General Theory
General information on transformers and measurement techniques
These cover a wide variety of transformer theory topics. Articles can be read on-line, or can be downloaded as PDFs.
General information on transformers and measurement techniques
This document explains the basic theory and operation of transformers.
The complex current and voltage waveforms associated with many of today's AC power applications pose specific measurement problems.
Outlines of methods and techniques to obtain high accuracy readings of low resistances.
Articles covering specific AT test options
An explanation of Turns Ratio and several methods to obtain best measurements.
An explanation of Hi-Pot Testing for Transformers and methods to obtain best measurements.
An explanation of Leakage Inductance in transformers, why it is important, and how to best perform measurements
This document outlines the methods used by the AT Series testers to find shorted windings.
Documents discussing common types of transformers and testing suggestions.
A document covering Laminate Transformers and methods for accurate testing.
A tech note describing theory of Ferrite Transformers.
This describes the theory and answers common questions on Mains Voltage (50Hz/60Hz) Transformers.
Frequently asked questions about Audio and Telecommunications transformers.
Information on DC Bias testing to check core performance
This documents outlines test methods for all types of DC Chokes.
A document covering DC BIAS testing using several different techniques.
Background info on AT Testers
How to use the AT Series User Ports to switch your test fixture during a test for extra test coverage.
The technical background to the AT Series testers. Explains how the nodes operate during testing to give accurate 4-wire measurements.