Explanation of Status Error Codes
Changes from AT3600 + ATi to AT5600 in the use of 0020 error codes
Confirm requested test conditions are achieved, as well as correct measurement
One subtle, but important, change from the AT3600 to the AT5600 is the interpretation of the Status Codes.
Most commonly, these are used to indicate tests where the requested applied voltage or current levels could not be reached to within 1% under stable conditions.
The error code “0020” indicates “The test signal could not be trimmed to required value; incorrect test parameters for the load.”
This is analogous to ALC (Auto Level Control) on most popular LCR meters.
Consider the following example of an LS test @1 kHz 5 V RMS, with limits 10 mH +/-10% (9-11 mH)
A - AT3600 / ATi
If, due to mismatched load and signal, the desired programmed signal is not reached the AT3600 or ATi will report an 0020 error code.
However, it will STILL PASS if the measured parameter is within your set limits.

B - AT5600
The AT5600 will FAIL if the status error code is flagged.
I.e. if the desired signals not reached, even if the measured parameter is STILL a “PASS”
From feedback, we found that customers wanted positive confirmation that the requested signal in the program was achieved, before measurement, as with a traditional LCR with ALC enabled.
The simplest (and preferred) way to remove this error code is to reduce the requested Voltage in the program until the "0020" error is no longer reported.
This confirms that the requested voltage in your program was reached during the test.

Optionally, you may wish to make the PASS FAIL judgement ONLY on the measured parameter and your chosen limits, but to ignore the 0020 error code.
This can be achieved by selecting ”Disable test failures due to ALC error” in the AT test program options.

This option was enabled, and the test rerun.
The AT5600 now ignores the 0020 error code and makes the PASS / FAIL judgement purely on the measured values, and the limits you have set.

Comparison with LCR operation
The need for matching the output impedance of your meter with the Unit Under Test (UUT) is common across all types of LCR meter.
Consider the example to the right of the popular Keysight E4980AL. Here we are measuring a 10mH inductor @ 1 kHz
First we request 2 VAC, but only 1.02574 V is achieved (VAC) and the ALC reports it is unable to meet the required voltage
Secondly, we drop the V requested to 0.6V AC 1Khz, the voltage is achieved, and the ALC error is removed, confirming that the requested voltage was obtained.

AT Editor v 3.26.6 or later
Please see AT5600 User user manual 14.5.1.” Disable test failures due to ALC error"
Please also see AT5600 User manual 7.7 LS test for best V/F conditions to avoid the 0020 status error.
This is in the LS LP section of the manual, but all of the above applies to any of the traditional LCR tests (eg Q, RLS, Z, TR etc.) which use the 0-5V 20-3M Hz generator, which has a 50 ohm output impedance.
See also user manual 4.1.4 Test Sources for a technical explanation of this effect.
Please note
The AT3600 and ATi firmware do NOT support this option.
Regardless of the option setting, the 0020 status will never be part of the PASS / FAIL criteria for these units.