Kelvin Pin Custom Fixture
Kelvin Pin Fixture - A - Dimensions
One of the most common types of transformer style is Dual-In-Line / Through-hole.
Even though electronic assembly is now predominantly surface mount, many companies still use traditional through hole transformers for the ease of manufacture, and the robust mechanical mounting provided by this type
This fixture type uses conventional Kelvin pins, allowing a quick push-fit of your transformer into the socket. It also provides full 4-wire connectivity for best measurement.
Alternatively, you can use the form below to submit your datasheets and pictures and we can design the fixture for you.
Please enter the fixture dimensions you require by supplying the following information below.
Kelvin Pin Plus Custom Fixture
Kelvin Pin Fixture - B - Customize - remove pins
You can customize the design further by removing pins using this screen.
Please un-tick any pins that you wish to NOT FIT.
Please note; this will remove the Kelvin Pins AND the pin hole from the design.
- If your design uses a bobbin with pins removed, this will give you a fixture that ensures correct orientation fit of the transformer.
- If you require flexibility over several transformers, all using the same bobbin, then this could be a disadvantage.
Please note that the PIN1 location cannot be de-selected.
Note: To manually edit the pin pitch, please lock or unlock the checkbox by checking or unchecking it.

Kelvin Pin Plus Custom Fixture
Kelvin Pin Fixture - C - Adding flying lead connection
Pre-wired AT Kelvin crocodile clips
This shows the position where holes should be drilled (2 holes for each set) for the wires to be fed through. Please note, there will be 8 cm of wire from the hole (closest to the fixture in the middle).
Kelvin Pin Plus Custom Fixture
Kelvin Pin Fixture - D - Customize - specify connections
You can customize the design further by telling us how you would like your fixture wired.
If you are replacing an existing fixture then this will allow you to make the fixture "Transformer" to "AT NODE" connections the same, so that you do not have to change the AT test program to work with the new fixture.
Auto wiring is turned on as default - This connects each of your pins to its nearest node.
To choose you own wiring, press the "CLEAR" button and then click, hold and drag the pin to the specific BLUE AT node that you want to connect it to.
Kelvin Pin Plus Custom Fixture
Kelvin Pin Fixture - E - Name
Please give your fixture design a name for your own reference.
Kelvin Pin Plus Custom Fixture
Kelvin Pin Fixture - F - Summary and Cost

(Please specify the smallest common pin pitch of your transformer, which can be adjusted in the next section.)

Total row Length must be less than 652.60 {{fixture.lengthType}}, please reduce Pin Pitch or number of pins per row.
Pin pitch must be {{}} {{fixture.lengthType}} or greater.
Row Length = {{ fixture.largestPinPitchTotal | number : 2}} {{fixture.lengthType}}
Row Length = {{ | number : 2}} {{fixture.lengthType}}
Pin Pitch = {{ | number : 2}} {{fixture.lengthType}}
Number of pins per row = {{ }}
Lead Diameter = {{ | number : 2}} {{fixture.lengthType}}
Row Pitch = {{ | number : 2}} {{fixture.lengthType}}
Left Connection: {{ fixture.leftConTotal }} Total connections Left: {{ fixture.availableConnection }} Right Connection: {{ fixture.rightConTotal }}
This is selected as default.
You can click this button at any time, to re-select Auto-Wiring.
If you have no preference or constraints and we will wire the pins to the nearest available nodes.
Click this to clear any existing wiring that it already selected and to choose your own pin to nodes assignments.
Customers should be aware that wiring all pins to one side, or cross wiring can cause issues with High Voltage separation and longevity of the fixture.
We allow the freedom to wire to any nodes, in case you have many pre-exiting test programs, but please use this carefully.
Fixture Design Data
Row Pitch | Pin Pitch | Pins Per Row | Row Length | Lead Length |
{{ }} {{fixture.lengthType}} | {{ }} {{fixture.lengthType}} | {{ }} | {{ }} {{fixture.lengthType}} | {{ }} {{fixture.lengthType}} |
Customize Pin Pitch
Pin and wiring summary
Quote details
Part | Description | Qty | Unit | Value | Available |
{{ fixture.basePin.PartNo }} | {{ fixture.basePin.Description }} | {{fixture.Qty}} | {{fixture.baseUnit}} | {{fixture.baseTotal }} | {{fixture.baseAvailDate }} |
{{ fixture.perPin.PartNo }} | {{ fixture.perPin.Description }} | {{ fixture.TotalPins }} | {{ fixture.perPinUnit }} | {{ fixture.perPinTotal }} | {{ fixture.perPinAvailDate }} |
{{ fixture.perClip.PartNo }} | {{ fixture.perClip.Description }} | {{ fixture.getTotalConnections }} | {{ fixture.perClipUnit }} | {{ fixture.perClipTotal }} | {{ fixture.perPinAvailDate }} |
Shipping: {{ fixture.currencySymbol }}{{ fixture.ShipMethod.TotalCharge | number: 2 }} Shipping agreement to be confirmed later. | |||||
Total: {{ fixture.currencySymbol }}{{ fixture.QuoteSum }} |
Your account is approved for a promotional discount for this quote if you decide to order.
If you place an order, then your first custom fixture will be free of charge (also includes free shipping)
Click to obtain an email quotation.
This will fix pricing for 30 days and allow you to order on-line at a later date.
Here you can review designs you have created, get a quote or place an order at a later time.
If you would like a formal quotation with shipping costs, and in your own currency, then please register and log in to the website
If you would like to save this design for recall later, after you have registered and logged in please enter your email address below