Using Ethernet Comms with AT5600 and AT Server - DHCP
Benefit from faster data speeds and more robust connection using your existing ethernet infrastructure
AT Server and AT5600 Over Ethernet - DHCP Method (Preferred Method)
1 Check your Company DHCP network allows IP communications.
Before you attempt any communications using the AT SERVER software, first connect your AT5600 to your network using any standard ethernet cable (one is aloo provided in the box).
Regardless of the AT5600 set up, the unit should always be recognized by the network and be allocated an IP address by your network DHCP server. see pic right - in this case
If the unit is not allocated an IP address as shown, then it must be restrictions on you local network preventing the connection. Please contact your IT support.
If needed by your IT, the unique MAC address of the AT5600 can be found under SET UP>System information.

2 AT Server and AT5600 Over Ethernet
Quick start tutorial for setting up the AT5600 and AT Server to operate over an Ethernet connection, using a standard DHCP server.
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