Adding the DC1000A to your existing AT Tester Set Up
The DC1000A integrates with your existing AT testers installation, allowing you to rapidly and automatically test for unwanted core saturation.
This extends your on-board DC Bias current test capability from 0.4 Amps DC (AT36) or 1 Amp DC (AT56) to 25 Amps DC.
Additional DC1000As can be stacked to extend this even further to 50 Amps DC (2 units), 75 Amps DC (3 units)... up to a maximum of 20 units (500 Amps DC).
In all cases, The AT tester controls the DC1000A when required by your *.ATP test program by adding the tests LSBX, LPBX or ZBX into the program.
This maintains the simple “Run + Pass or Fail “ idea of the programming system, and all tests are controlled from one central test program.
During a DC bias test the AT automatically turns on the DC1000 to the required DC level, checks for stabilization of both the DC bias signal from the DC1000A, and the AC signal that the AT is applying, and then rapidly makes your desired measurement of Inductance or Impedance.
This guide gives you a quick overview of the comms connections for different use cases and examples of connection methods you can employ to get the best results quickly and every time you test.
Please Note : All support advice is identical for the older DC1000 model, as well as the newer DC1000A
Shown below are the comms cable set ups needed for AT Editor and AT Server when using the DC1000.
This is a small modification to he the legacy RS232 connections you already use.
The AT5600 can use the same RS232 or alternatively the newer direct USB or Ethernet options.
1a) DC1000 and AT Editor using RS232
(AT5600 or AT3600 or ATI)
i) Connect AT AUX on the rear of the AT to the DC1000 RS232 IN using the
77-046 straight through 9w-9w M-F lead provided with the DC1000. (A)
ii) Connect the PC running the AT Editor (you may be using a USB-RS232
converter here) to the DC1000 RS232 OUT port using 9w-9w F-F AT Editor
lead (B) (77-015). This is your existing AT Editor cable that came with the AT

1b) DC1000 and AT Server using RS232
(AT5600 or AT3600 or ATI)
i) Connect AT AUX on the rear of the AT to the DC1000 RS232 IN using the
77-046 straight through 9w-9w M-F lead provided with the DC1000. (A)
ii) Connect the PC running the AT Server (you may be using an additional USB-RS232
converter here) to the AT SERVER PORT using 9w-25w F-F AT Server lead (B)
(77-016). This is your existing AT Server cable that came with the AT)

1c) DC1000 and AT Editor using USB
(AT5600 only)
i) Connect AT AUX on the rear of the AT to the DC1000 RS232 IN using the
77-046 straight through 9w-9w M-F lead provided with the DC1000. (A)
ii) Connect the PC running the AT Editor to the AT5600 USB-B port, using the
standard USB cable. This is your existing AT USB cable that came with the AT

1d) DC1000 and AT Server using ETHERNET
(AT5600 only)
i) Connect AT AUX on the rear of the AT to the DC1000 RS232 IN using the
77-046 straight through 9w-9w M-F lead provided with the DC1000. (A)
ii) Connect the PC running the AT Server to a valid DHCP hub on your network
using a standard Ethernet cable. (B)
iii) Connect the AT5600 ETHERNET PORT to a valid DHCP hub on your network
using a standard Ethernet cable. (B)

i) In all cases it is possible to have both the AT Editor and AT Server simultaneously permanently connected and then used when needed.
They have been shown individually above for simplicity.
In the case of RS232 this would require 2 valid RS232 PC COM ports, one for AT Server and one for AT Editor.
ii) Each DC1000 will also require its interlock port to be connected to allow the DC output to be enabled. (If not interlocked, you will see error code E009 on enable)
This can be done by either
A, Individually using the override plug provided (91-256) on each unit
B, When using multiple DC1000s, using one interlock plug and chaining the rest of the interlocks (see Multiple Dc1000s)
B, Integrated with your existing AT interlock system (see DC1000A User Manual Chapter 5)
iii) If using multiple DC1000s to generate more current, please see Using Multiple DC1000s
In this case the AT Tester sees the multiple DC1000s as one unit, and automatically controls the master DC1000, which in turn controls the slave DC1000 units.
The units do not have to be specially configured as Master or Slave units - they are still identical.
The connection of the COMMS as described in the "using Multiples page" will automatically set one unit as the master and any others as slave units.
For example, consider the case of 2 DC1000s being used to generate 40 Amps DC.
The AT36/At56/ATi test program would simply request 40 Amps DC
When the program is run, each DC1000 will set to 20 Amps automatically.
iv) Whether you are using Editor or Server, on any of the coms methods, its worth noting that in all cases, it is the AT5600 that controls the DC1000(s).
The test program (*.ATP) is written and downloaded into the AT5600.
When the program is run the AT5600 control the DC1000(s) when needed (LSBX,LPBX,ZBX) BY the program.
In all cases, the main consideration when integrating the DC1000 to your existing set up is to make sure that the entire path from the DC1000,
through the UUT and back to the DC1000 has wiring capable of carrying the DC Bias current level that you wish to apply.
This will prevent heating in the wires carrying the DC current, and stop any resulting voltage drop across the DC current path that will affect your AC
2a DC1A Connections to Universal Fixture - Kelvin
In this simple case, a 2 pin inductor has the DC1000 output applied directly through it using the DC1000 leads and crocodile clips.
The existing AT Kelvin leads are still used on AT nodes 2 and 20 for the LSBX reading, (and any other tests you have programmed.)
As these will not be carrying the 25 Amp DC they can still be the standard 2 Amp rated clips+ wires.

2b DC1A connections to Universal Fixture -Non-Kelvin
A simpler configuration of the same part is shown here.
The DC1000 has been connected to the Universal fixture nodes (again 2+20) and short 25 Amp rated cables and clips are then used to common the AT connection and the DC1000 connection to the UUT.
Again, the DC path is all 25 Amp rated.
It should be noted that in this example the 4 wire true kelvin connections are no longer being maintained up to the UUT, as shorting plugs have been used to connect source to measure at the fixture.
The small reduction in measurement accuracy may be an acceptable trade off for the resulting ease of connection.

2c DC1A Connection to an existing custom fixture
In the case shown, a SMPS transformer is tested using a push-fit 12 pin kelvin pin fixture.
The fixture has been modified to contain 2 x 4 mm 25 Amp connection sockets for the DC1000 to be connected to the fixture.
These 4 mm sockets are then connected inside the fixture to pins 2 + 4 of the transformer.
The fixture can still be used on parts with the same pin pitch, even without the DC1000 connected, as the DC1000 current path is independent of the normal 2 Amp source and measure.

2d Considerations for fixture wiring
Shown here is a diagrammatic view of the same fixture.
It shows one of the 4 mm sockets and the 25 Amp cable for the DC path.
The existing 2 Amp rated wiring for the AT source and AT measure nodes can be left as originally manufactured.

2e Using Multiple DC1A’s for > 25 Amps
Care should be taken when using multiple DC1000s to generate > 25 Amps.
Each DC1000 lead AND the plugs are designed for 25 Amps, so stacking the leads can potentially cause heating effects and voltage drops, because parts of the chain will be carrying more than the rated 25 Amps.(see picture)
In these cases, individual connections should be made to the UUT, or if you wish by means of a suitable bus bar which is rated for the current you wish to apply

2f Polarity of DC1000 with respect to AT5600
Care should be taken when connecting the DC1000 leads to your UUT.
The LSBX/LPBX/ZBX tests in your test program will also specify which nodes are HI and LO for this measurement.
You must ensure that the same polarity is maintained when connecting the DC1000 to these nodes.
This is also true when you are performing Open or Short Circuit compensation.

Further Reading
Further advice can be found in the DC1000 user manual , chapter 6
This also contains best practice advice to protect the DC1000 when using the DC1000 with the built in high voltage test on the AT5600/AT3600.
Please see
Chapter 6.3. Using IR, HPDC, HPAC, DCRT, ACRT, DCVB, ACVB Tests
Chapter 6.4. Using ILK, SURG, MAGI, STRW, WATT, VOC Tests